Sunday, July 08, 2012

India's resolution on mental health (WHA)

1.      India ----> major victory at the just concluded 65th World Health Assembly got its resolution passed to acknowledge the need for a comprehensive, coordinated response to addressing mental disorders

2.      Include programmes to
o    Reduce stigma and discrimination
o    Reintegration of patients into workplace and society
o    Support for care providers and families
o    Investment in mental health from the health budget.

3.      India ------> working on strengthening interventions in the 12th Plan
o    emphasis on family and community care
o    training of health and community workers
o    short and long stay homes.
o    to shortly introduce new legislation to replace the Mental Health Act, 1987 ---> conformity with international commitments to protect the rights of persons with mental illness

4.      The resolution---->
o    To  develop and strengthen comprehensive policies and strategies -----> promotion of mental health
o    prevention of mental disorders, early identification,
o    care, support, treatment and recovery of persons with mental disorders
o    Developing a appropriate surveillance frameworks to analyse and evaluate trends regarding mental disorders
o    to give appropriate priority and to streamline mental health
o    to allocate appropriate resources in this regard
o    to collaborate with the WHO Secretariat -----> comprehensive mental health action plan
o    Asked WHO -----> provisions to address the assessment of vulnerabilities and risks
o    Equitable access to affordable, quality and comprehensive health

5.      The resolution suggests that the comprehensive mental health action plan, through the Executive Board at its 132nd session, be considered by the 66th World Health Assembly.
6.      World Health Assembly:  
o    Decision-making body of WHO
o    Attended by delegations from all WHO member-states
o    Focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board

7.      Mental disorders: Account for 13 per cent of the global burden of the diseases

8.      India --key----> mental disorders included in the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) list at the first Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Non-communicable Disease Control in Moscow last year.

9.      The principal non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases,

10.  A 12-member policy group has been entrusted to frame the National Mental Health Care Policy and Plan

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