Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kishori Shakti Yojana


  • All unmarried adolescent girls in the age group of 11–18 year.
  • Target group = school drop-outs girls in rural areas, who’re forced to leave studies after class 5.


  • Improve the nutritional and health status of girls in the age group of 11–18 years.
  • To provide the required literacy and innumeracy skills through the non–formal stream of education, to stimulate a desire for more social exposure and knowledge and to help them improve their decision making capabilities.
  • To train and equip the adolescent girls to improve/upgrade home–based and vocational skills.
  • To promote awareness of health, hygiene, nutrition and family welfare, home management and child care, and to take all measure as to facilitate their marrying only after age of 18.
  • To gain a better understanding of their environment related social issues and the impact on their lives and
  • To encourage them to initiate various activities to be productive and useful members of the society.

Services offered

  • Anganwadi centre of a village, will gather 20 or more girls, form a Balika Mandal and give them training for 6 months.
  • Educational activities through non–formal & functioned literacy pattern.
  • Immunization
  • A general health check up every six months
  • Treatment for minor ailments
  • Prophylaxis measures against anemia, goiter, vitamin deficiencies etc.
  • Referral to PHC/District Hospital in the case of acute need
  • Convergence with Reproductive Child Health Scheme.

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