Sunday, July 08, 2012

Manmohan in Myanmar

1.       Myanmar President Thein Sein, sees connectivity through Myanmar as crucial for its Look East Policy and development of ties with the Asean countries
o    Imphal-Mandalay bus service was stuck ------> no all-year road -------> agreed to introduce it after putting the infrastructure in place
o    more air connections for the time being------>a new pact providing for more carriers to operate
o    the new agreement enables carriers to combine flights to Myanmar with other destinations in South East Asia.
o    a joint committee to explore the possibility of freight/rail transport from India through Myanmar to the South East Asian region
o    work on the Kaladan waterways-cum-road project is still ongoing
o    finalised a land customs station at Zorinpuri in Mizoram
o    other important road link------> Moreh in Manipur with Mae Sot in Thailand through Myanmar

2.       Agreements signed
o    MoU regarding $500 million Line of Credit.
o    Air Services Agreement between India and Myanmar
o    MoU on the India-Myanmar Border Area Development
o    MoU on Establishment of Joint Trade and Investment Forum
o    MoU on the Establishment of the Advance Centre for Agriculture Research and Education (ACARE)
o    MoU on Establishment of Rice Bio Park at the Department of Agricultural Research in Nay Pyi Taw
o    MoU towards setting up of Myanmar Institute of Information Technology
o    MoU on Cooperation between Dagon University and Calcutta University
o    MoU on Cooperation between Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies and Indian Council of World Affairs
o    Agreement on Cooperation between Myanmar Institute of Strategic and International Studies and Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis
o    Cultural Exchange Programme (2012-2015)
o    MoU on establishing of Border Haats across the border between Myanmar and India. 

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