Thursday, May 16, 2013

Types of Trade agreements

  1. Preferential trade agreements
  2. lower customs duty on the products originating from the member countries.
  1. Free Trade Agreements
  2. It is a special case of PTA where all tariff and non-tariff barriers are abolished
  3. free access is allowed to the products of member countries.
  4. Example NAFTA (among Mexico, US and Canada).
Customs Union
  1. A Customs Union moves beyond a free trade area by establishing a common external tariff on all trade between, members and non-members.
  2. Customs Unions typically contain mechanisms to redistribute tariff revenue among members
  3. Example: Mercosur
Common Market
  1. free flow labour, capital, and output (goods/services) among the members.
  2. Example, SICA (in Central America)
Economic union
  1. members share a common currency and macro-economic policies (Example European Union).
  2. Example, European Union.

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