Monday, September 01, 2014

Civil Services Prelims (CSAT)-2014 Result Expected Soon, What to do meanwhile?

Though no official date has been announced by the examination authorities so far, sources revealed that the results of the civil services examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will be declared soon. As there are hardly 3 months left for the mains exam. Result should be announced by end of September or in the worst case, by the first week of October. It is alo expected that there shall not be any DAF (Detailed Application Form) for main examination this year.

Once declared, the results will be online on The successful candidates will then be allowed to appear for the Civil Services (Mains) written exams. 

And if you are waiting for the result and doing nothing except waiting; you are going to be in serious trouble and will regret doing nothing as there will be only 2 month left for the preparation of the Main Exam after the results of prelims.

So, its better if you start preparing now and right now. If you have doubt regarding getting selected in prelims;  i suggest you not to go by the cutoffs declared by so called experts in the civil services coaching. Apply common sense and you will be convinced that the cut off this year shall no cross 2011 cutoffs in any case. so if you are expecting 185-190 marks in total (-25/35 for SC/ST) then give all you have and prepare for the mains without waiting for the results. The common sense is that:

  1. This time the total marks for the prelims were 400-15=385
  2. Last year cutoff=241 marks so this year should be 241-15=236
  3. No decision making (laddu) questions 236-15 (10 to be on conservative side) =221
  4. Paper-I toughness level was highest among previous year papers 221-15=206
  5. Paper-II was toughest and lengthiest paper since 2011, 206-10=196
  6. More vacancies this year 196-6=190
  7. A conservative estimate would be 200 Marks

I have uploaded the booklist for general studies papers and i will upload the booklist/material for ethics paper separately. 

So, don't doubt yourself and start preparing for the main exam because if you waste these 30-40 days; they may cost you the dream of becoming a civil servant.

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