Monday, July 09, 2012


1.    India said it had not violated any multi-lateral trade agreement by issuing compulsory licence for patented anti-cancer drug  Nexavar  to be produced and sold at a much cheaper cost in the country
2.    In March, Hyderabad-based Natco Pharma was allowed to manufacture and sell cancer-treatment drug Nexavar at a price over 30 times lower than charged by patent-holder Bayer Corporation, under compulsory licensing (CL) [Section 84 of the Indian Patent Act which is in compliance with the TRIPS agreement of the World Trade Organization]
·   Natco ---------->Rs. 8,880 for a pack of 120 tablets
·   Nexavar-------->Rs.2.80 lakh for a pack of 120 tablets a month 
3.    The German firm ----->filed an appeal against the Indian Patents Office's order with the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.
4.    WTO agreement------->a CL can be invoked by a national government, allowing someone else to produce a patented product or process without the consent of the patent owner in public interest.
5.    the U.S. government, through an executive order, placed an order with Indian company for anti-cancer drug.

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