Monday, July 09, 2012

Saranda Development Plan

1. Saranda Development Plan --------->first systematic experiment in combining a security-oriented and development-focussed approach in Maoist-affected areas on a large-scale
2.   July-August 2011-----------> the CRPF and the State police jointly liberated (area of West Singbhum district of Jharkhand from 11 years of Maoist control and domination)
3. October 2011-------->SDP was prepared by the district administration covering 56 villages in six gram panchayats of Manoharpur block (7,000 households)

4.    The main elements of the SDP are as follows:
·      Building houses for 6,000 households under the Indira Awaas Yojana (sanctioned in December 2011)
·      Appointment of 56 Rozgar Mitras from local tribal youth for MGNREGA
·      11 roads and one bridge to be constructed under the PMGSY
·      Implementation of the Forest Rights Act, 2006
·      Distribution of 7,000 solar lanterns, 7,000 transistors and 7,000 bicycles paid for by SAIL
·      Launch of five mobile health units, (SAIL's CSR)
·      Start of six watershed development projects covering an area of around 36,000 hectares
·      access to drinking water supply

5.   number of private mining companies ----->mineral wealth of Saranda (bauxite)

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