A bicameral system is a parliamentary system of two legislative Chambers. Indian system is bicameral because both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha are involved in the process of making new laws. Bicameral literally means 'two chamber'.
Countries with Bicameral Parliamentary System:
- Australia-Parliament–Senate–House of Representatives
- Austria-Parliament–Federal Council–National Council
- Antigua and Barbuda-Parliament–Senate–House of Representatives
- The Bahamas-Parliament–Senate–House of Assembly
- Barbados-Parliament–Senate–House of Assmebly
- Belize–National Assembly–Senate–House of Representatives
- Belgium-Federal Parliament–Senate–Chamber of Representatives
- Bhutan-Parliament (Chitshog)–Bhutan will become a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy in 2008–National Council (Gyalyong Tshogde)– National Assembly (Gyalyong Tshogdu)
- Canada-Parliament–Senate–House of Commons
- Czech Republic-Parliament–Senate–Chamber of Deputies
- Ethiopia-Federal Parliamentary Assembly–House of Federation– House of People’s Representatives
- Germany–Bundesrat (Federal Council)–Bundestag (Federal Diet)
- Grenada-Parliament–Senate–House of Representatives
- India-Parliament–Rajya Sabha (Council of States)–Lok Sabha (House of People)
- Ireland-Oireachtas–Seanad Éireann–Dáil Éireann
- Iraq-National Assembly–Council of Union [2]–Council of Representatives
- Italy-Parliament–Senate of the Republic–Chamber of Deputies
- Jamaica-Parliament–Senate–House of Representatives
- Japan-Diet–House of Councillors–House of Representatives
- Malaysia-Parliament–Dewan Negara–Dewan Rakyat
- The Netherlands-States-General–Eerste Kamer–Tweede Kamer
- Pakistan-Majlis-e-Shoora–Senate–National Assembly
- Poland-Parliament–Senate–Sejm
- Romania-Parliament–Senate–Chamber of Deputies
- Saint Lucia-Parliament–Senate–House of Assembly
- Slovenia-Parliament–National Council–National Assembly
- South Africa-Parliament–National Council of Provinces–National Assembly
- Spain-Cortes Generales–Senate–Congress of Deputies
- Switzerland-Federal Assembly–Council of States–National Council
- Thailand-National Assembly [3]–Senate–House of Representatives
- Trinidad and Tobago-Parliament–Senate–House of Representatives
- United Kingdom-Parliament–House of Lords–House of Common

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