Thursday, April 04, 2013

Unicameral Parliamentary System

In government, unicameral is the practice of having one legislative or parliamentary chamber. Thus, a unicameral parliament or unicameral legislature is a legislature which consists of one chamber or house. Unicameral legislatures typically exist in small and homogeneous unitary states, where a second chamber is considered unnecessary.

Countries having Unicameral Parliamentary System

  1. Albania–Kuvendi
  2. Bangladesh–Jatiyo Sangshad
  3. Bulgaria–National Assembly
  4. Burkina Faso–National Assembly
  5. Croatia–Sabor
  6. Denmark–Folketing
  7. Dominica–House of Assembly
  8. Estonia–Riigikogu
  9. Finland–Eduskunta
  10. Greece–Hellenic Parliament
  11. Hungary–National Assembly
  12. Iceland–Althing
  13. Israel–Knesset
  14. Kurdistan Region–Kurdistan National Assembly
  15. Latvia–Saeima
  16. Lithuania–Seimas
  17. Malta–House of Representatives
  18. Moldova–Parliament
  19. Mongolia–State Great Khural
  20. Montenegro–Parliament
  21. New Zealand–Parliament
  22. Norway*–Storting
  23. Palestinian Authority–Parliament
  24. Papua New Guinea–National Parliament
  25. Portugal–Assembly of the Republic
  26. Saint Kitts and Nevis–National Assembly
  27. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines–House of Assembly
  28. Samoa–Fono
  29. Serbia–National Assembly
  30. Singapore–Parliament
  31. Slovakia–National Council
  32. Sweden–Riksdag
  33. Turkey–Grand National Assembly
  34. Ukraine–Verhovna Rada
  35. Vanuatu–Parliament

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